Well this part was all about Chelsea and Leah. And man has it changed many people's opinions.
Leah- Of course the subject was the divorce. And I somehow managed to keep myself from bawling my eyes out while watching. Leah tells us her side of the story which goes something like this. She was feeling unloved because Corey and her didn't have much of a sex life. She chested on him on the night of her bachelorette party. She says she isn't making excuses just explaining why. Leah also said numerous times that she still loves Corey, keep in mind this was filmed awhile ago. Then they brought Corey out. He said they had sex a couple of times a week, which Dr. Drew said was normal for established couples. Apparently Corey and Leah fought over beef hot dogs for an entire day. Then Corey did the one thing that made me spit my drink out. He said the only sane one in Leah's family was her step-dad with Momma Dawn sitting right there! (Side note, Momma Dawn tweeted it was more heated then shown.)
Chelsea- Chelsea talked mostly about her relationship with Adam. And about how much they had hurt one another. Said that she loved him but didn't feel secure. When they brought Adam out fans learned things about Chelsea that made some turn against her. Turns out Chelsea went after a friend of Adam's. Not just a friend but a best friend since high school. She did this to hurt Adam. Then she reassured Adam that she would never see/contact the friend again, but just two months before they taped the reunion Adam seen pictures of the two. Many fans see this as an all time low for Chelsea. But we do not know the whole story.
At the end they do the part were all the mom's and dad;s are on stage and the girls get to ask each other questions.
Jenelle to Kail- "Who is your support since you don't have a relationship with your mother?"
"I feel like I lean on Jo and Jordan. Which is good and bad. I set myself up for when they aren't there."
Chelsea to Leah- "Do you think you two could ever trust each other is you got back together?"
"If we went to consoling,"
I am excited to see what the next season of Teen Mom 2 will bring. Oh and for those who were wondering Corey and Leah DID NOT go to consoling.