Friday, January 20, 2012

NOH8 Shoot Pictures!

As some of you know Kailyn, Catelynn, and Maci did a NOH8 shoot while they were in LA.  The pictures are finally out and we have them for you.
Kailyn and Catelynn
Catelynn, Kailyn, and Maci
See no EVIL, Speak no EVIL, Hear no EVIL  

Kyle (Maci's Boyfriend)

Maci and Kyle

Maci and Kyle (edited)

*All pictures are part of NOH8 campaign and belong to Adam Bouska

Kail's Scentsy Drama

It was reveled Tuesday that Kailyn had decided to Join Scentsy under her friend Toni.  Yesterday Kailyn was all set up and selling Scentsy under Toni.

One hour ago, blogger and all around shady person, Heather Clouse tweeted "Welcome @KailLowry to the Scentsy team!!!!"  Weird considering that would mean she would have had to "steal" Kail from Toni.  Which is against Scentsy rules!

This is not only very shady on Miss Clouse but on Kailyn.  As you may remember, Toni flew out to PA to attend  Isaac's birthday just last week.  So it makes me wonder, what did Heather do to get Kailyn to betray her friend this way. 

I truly hope Scentsy punishes not only Heather but Kailyn. 

Toni posted Kailyn would be joining her Scentsy team. 
Kailyn liked it. Then Heathers Tweet 1 hour ago.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kailyn Is Bi-sexual?

Various tabloids have been reporting that Kailyn has had multiple same sex relationships.  I don't understand why this is big enough news for all these tabloid to be writing about but whatever. 

Here's my point, Kail is a wonderful mother to her son, Isaac.  She is a big supporter of the NOH8.  She is going to school and working.  So why DIG for stories.  Why not just right about the facts. 
I do not believe Kail is Bi-sexual.  Did she maybe experience when she was younger?  Yeah, possible, but so have 95% of the population.  Clearly this isn't bothering Kail since she has not even commented on it.

Kail in California 2012

Leah Is Asking For Prayers

After an alarming amount of sad/depressing tweets, many fans have been very worried about Leah.  A lot of speculated that she might have had a miscarriage.  Most of us hoping that, that's not the case, have been waiting for her to tell us what is wrong.
Well, today was the day Leah finally let us know what was up.  It seems that she has been depressed because her grandmother is in the hospital.  Things are not looking good either.  Leah's grandma is on life support. 
So please pray for not only Leah's grandma but Leah's entire family.  This will be a hard time on all of them.  . 
Leah and the twins 2012 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Isaac!

Picture of Issac's cake from
his party this weekend
Kailyn's baby boy is turning 2!! Doesn't seem like he can be two yet!

Isaac has a birthday party this past week.  One of the guest said the party was a HUGE SUCCESS!  Who would expect anything less tho.  

Kailyn shared a picture earlier of Isaac.  She said he woke up in a great mood.  
I hope you have a great day Isaac! Happy Birthday! <3

 Issac this morning.

Want To Look Like Chelsea?

I don't know about you, but I love some of Chelsea's fashion choices!  In yesterday's Teen Mom 2 episode I couldn't help but notice her ADORABLE flower clip(picture below).  I don't know how many others notice this but Chelsea and Aubree always have some kind of cute clip or bow.  And lucky for you, you can get one like it by the same person!

 Chelsea's  hair clip

There is a page on Facebook called Bailey Booper's Boutique.  They have a wide range of items from Tutu's to shirts, to, you guessed it, hair bows/clips. 

Chelsea isn't the only Teen Mom 2 star that loves Bailey Booper's Boutique. Leah has got quite a few items from there. Including the head piece the twins wore in Leah and Corey's wedding.
Check out the Facebook page!

Easter outfit made by Bailey Booper's Boutique 
Aleeah, Leah, and Ali

The twin's Easter shirts

Jenelle Leaves Facebook

Only for awhile, so no need to worry. 
Screen Shot taken from Jenelle's Offical
Facebook Page
Although I am sad to see her go, I am happy to see her doing what is best for her.  Her fans seem to feel the same way, 1,194 currently think this status.  
Facebook might not be the only thing Jenelle is leaving. Yesterday Jenelle tweeted that she is deactivating her twitter.
  From Jenelle's VERIFIED twitter
Though her twitter is active as of now I wonder how long til she deactivates it.
I wish nothing but the best for Jenelle.  But she needs to do what is best for her and Jace.  And with the current case going on this is best. 
Speaking of the current case, Jenelle posted on Facebook that "Court went OK this morning, the case was continued to another day." Here's to wishing Jenelle the best.
  Jenelle and Jace
January 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Teen Mom 2 Season 2 Ep. 8 Summary

As if the title wasn't enough I want to say 

Jenelle- I have to admit I love Jenelle.  But watching these episodes I have to continue to remind myself, this was a YEAR ago.  She has wised up, on some things, so don't be to harsh.  Jenelle is all upset because Kieffer left her.  She decides she needs to smoke weed to deal.  Not the best idea when facing jail time but to each their own.  Jenelle's friend, Tori, suggest Jenelle moves in with her and her boyfriend.  Barbara agrees this might be good if Jenelle becomes responsible and get's a job.  Kieffer ends up messaging Jenelle on Facebook.  Saying how he loves and misses her.  She makes a point to tell him they are not together, they are working things out and going slow this time.  

Chelsea- Chelsea and her friend, Erica, go job hunting.  After going to a few places they go to Year Round Brown, where Chelsea gets interviewed immediately.  Later she gets a call and finds out the job is hers! YAY!  Her lovable father, Randy, is happy for what this could mean for her...and his pocket book I am sure.  Adam is the same Adam as always.  Complains because he drove thirty miles to see her and she doesn't like him being on his phone. I wouldn't either so stop being a douche.  

Leah- Well after getting good news last week, we all hoped good news would continue this week.  Sadly that was not the case.  A letter came that brought confusing news.  Leah calls to find out what exactly is going on and the nurse tells her it's a wait and see game.  Corey and Leah talk about the future.  Corey getting a better job, finding a new house, and just being happy.  To bad we know how that ends already.  Anyone else just keep waiting for the "I'm divorcing you" episode?

Kailyn- Kailyn continues to worry about Jo's reaction to her filing for child support.  She goes to two of her male friends, just to see how they would react.  Of course her friend's are more mature then Jo so they are not much help.  Jo shows his psychic side by telling his brother he is afraid they will take  half his check, which they do($470 to be exact).  When they meet up to talk about it Jo let's her known its stupid that he has to pay blah blah blah.  Then throw the we will fight about this in court out there.  Good luck with that.
Episode 9 Preveiw
Next week looks to be a good week.  Jenelle and Tori get into a fight and Jenelle will be moving out.  Leah wants to look at moblie homes and move.  Corey refuses to.  Chelsea tells her mom that her and Adam broke up.  And Kailyn ask Jo if he is getting a laywer.  To which he reply's "wait and see".

Tyler and Catelynn's Offical Website

I have known for some time now that they had a website.  But never really checked it out.  Well I had sine down time so I thought why not.

I recommend if you have not looked at it you do. It is an AMAZING site.  They don't have much on it but what is on it will make you cry. 

They talk about themselves, their life before Carly, and the hardest decision they ever had to make.  Having not been there before the site was a little tricky at first to navigate. The ABCD on the side is what takes you to different parts of the site.  It is diffidently worth a look

 Catelynn and Tyler

Kailyn Will Be Selling Scentsy!

She will be selling under her friend Toni. Congrats to you both!  I hope you both are extremely successful.

For those of you who live under a rock and don't know what Scentsy is, a safe, wickless alternative to scented candles*.  That, if I do say so myself, is addicting.  And a great way to make money.

Toni's Facebook page where I am sure you will be able to find Kail's page/link once she gets up and going :)

 Kail's NOH8 photo 2011

*Taken directly from the Scentsy website

Jenelle Arrest Again

Yes again. This is the second time in one week Miss Jenelle Evans has been arrested. had reported yesterday that Jenelle was arrest for "violating a domestic violence protective order".  Although the details are still unclear Jenelle was in court today. Where she was in Stripes and shackles.

Jenelle in court January 17, 2012

 Jenelle was released after her hearing.  But one has to wonder what will happen next.  As some of you may remember, Jenelle is still on probation for a fight last year.  So will this lead to possible jail time or a longer probation. 

I hope everything works out for her.  Seems like every time she gets herself on track something else happens that just sets her back.

  Jenelle leaving the jail with boyfriend, Gary,
and roommate/best friend, Tori.
January 17, 2012 

Leah is quitting smoking?

That's right!

After finding out she is pregnant Leah has decided to stop smoking.  Since stopping cold turkey could be harmful for the baby she is cutting back how many she smokes slowly with the intention of stopping all together. 
Good for you Leah!  Not only is this good for you and you unborn baby.  But this will be good for everyone you are around.

Leah smoking 2011

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Catching Up with Teen Mom 2 Cast!

This is a summary of the Teen Mom 2 girls life since they filmed the currently running season.  Does that even make sense?  lol

Chelsea- Well Chelsea has finally wised up and is no longer with Adam. Chelsea doesn't not have a boyfriend but is really close with this guy on twitter.  Their conversations are just too adorable.  Chelsea and Aubree are doing just fine on their own.  Chelsea seems to be perfectly happy and Aubree is just as adorable as ever.  But really who is surprised by that?

Chelsea and Aubree 2012

Jenelle- Jenelle has been in a lot of drama.  But luckily NONE of it is Kieffer related!  Jenelle has got her act together....mostly.  She is clean(no drugs), living on her own(well with a roommate), has a job, is going to school, and dating a guy named Gary.  Jenelle has gone thru two roommates, and lost two friends.  One of which she is still having issues with.  But Jenelle is in Jace's life and getting along with her mom. Here's to hoping this continues!

Jenelle and Jace 2012

Leah- Well there is some good and bad news.  As we will learn later in this season Leah and Corey get a divorce.  It seems as if Corey my have cheated, multiple times, leading to the divorce. We can confirm or deny this.  We will just have to wait and see.  On the good side, Leah has found a new man.  One who seems to make her happy. His name is Jeremy.  They have been together since August are now engaged.  Depending on the person this next bit might be good or bad, Leah IS PREGNANT!  The baby is Jeremy's and is due around August 20, 2012.

Aleeha, Leah, Jeremy, and Ali  2011

Kailyn- Kailyn and Joe are getting along just fine. Kail and Jordan are no longer together.  Kail's relationship status is, well, taken. I think.  Isaac JUST turned 2, like today.  Kail has fallen in-love with this AMAZING product called Scentsy.  She host parties thru her friend, Toni Ziegler. We will post the link to Toni's page below.  Kailyn is a big supporter of the NOH8 movement.  She has had two photo shoots with them, one of which Mr. Isaac attended.  She also had a public speaking event with Maci and Catelynn from Teen Mom recently.  Kail has recently become close with her sister's.  She is just improving her life all around.

Toni's Scentsy Page-

Kailyn and Isaac 2012

*Pictures taken from Twitter 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Catching Up with Teen Mom Cast!

This is going to be a short summary of how the girls are doing.  Let me know what you guys think.  If you can think of something I should change feel free to let me know.

Maci- Where to start. Maci and Kyle are still happily together. She is getting along just fine with Ryan and Ryan's new girlfriend, Dalis Connell.  Dalis has been great fro Ryan.  She love spending time with Bentley, mostly baking.  Maci is wrapping up trip to California.  She headed out there with fell Teen Mom Catelynn and Teen Mom 2 cast member Kailyn Irwin (Lowery).  Maci and the other girls talked to a high school out there as well as appeared on Dr. Drew's show on HLN.  Although Maci loved being able to be out there and talk to everyone she missed Bentley, who stayed at home.  While out in California Maci did a NOH8 shoot.

  Maci, Kyle, Santa, and Bentley 2011

 Ryan, Bentley, and Dalis 2011

Catelynn- Well of-course the most adorable couple of all times is still together.  Catelynn and Tyler are doing amazing, but who really expected anything less?  Catelynn is wrapping up a trip in California as well. Tyler could not make it but wished her the best and sent her very sweet tweets the entire time.  Catelynn also did a shoot for NOH8 as well as tweeted a picture and saying "Go gay rights!".  Good to know where she stands.  Catelynn has been anything but a lazy bum since we last saw her on the show.  She has been working out 3 times a week with Tyler and looks AMAZING!

Catelynn 2012

  Tyler 2012

 Farrah- Since we last saw Farrah she has fallen in and out of love.  She has a book coming out soon and is still in Florida.  US Weekly included her on there list of best plastic surgery's of 2011. So you know she is looking good.  Farrah and her mother, Debra, have been getting along better.  They have even gone into business together.  A family business called Mom & Me, Facebook link will be below. Farrah has been on of the girls that has been keeping to herself mostly.  Other then her run in with the Kardashins, but that is a whole other story. 

Farrah and Sophia 2011

Amber- Oh Amber.  I love and support Amber very much, but sadly there is not much good news I can report.  Amber went to rehab in California.  When she was released Gary and her decided to try one last time to work things out and be together.  That ended up not working out.  She meet a new guy who she seemed to like very much.  Then everything just went down hill.  Gary got full custody of Leah, then Amber was arrested.  She was charged with many different things.  One of the most disturbing was possession of prescription pills, that were not proscribed to her.  Amber is currently sitting in jail waiting on her court date. Amber is scared she might end up in prison and says she will never take anything for granted again.  Please keep her and Leah in your prayers.  Leah and Gary on the other hand are doing well.  They have moved out of Anderson and are very happy with the way things are going for the both of them. 

Amber 2011

Leah 2011
*Pictures taken from twitter
*All pictures were taken from twitter

Thursday, January 12, 2012


  This is a blog I made to discuss the girls from MTV's Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2.  I will talk about events from the past, current episodes, and what is currently going on in the girls lives. 
 The next post I make will be about catching everyone up on what have been going on with the girls. Some have been making amazing progress.  While others have done their best to stay out of the lime light.  Some fell out of love while others have found love. And yes, some have became pregnant again.
 I will try to keep this a biases source of information.  But lets be honest, not everyone likes all the girls.  But I will writ both positive and negative articles about all girls.
 That is all for now. Keep a look out for new post! And please excuse any grammatical errors.  I do not claim to be a professional writer just a fan who thought this would be a fun way to keep people informed :)